Class Summary |
BallAmigosAction |
ChooseMatchName |
A struts action class used to create a match, after the user has chosen a name for it. |
ChooseRoomAction |
A struts action class used to move the player to the room he chose and to save the name of this room
as a session attribute. |
JoinAction |
A struts action class used to join a match chosen by the player. |
JoinGameAction |
A struts action class used to receive a list of matches in the room chosen by the player. |
LogoutAction |
A struts action class used to logout the player from the system. |
NewGameAction |
A struts action class used only to redirect the player to the "New game" page with the new match name form. |
PlayAction |
A struts action class used only to redirect the player to the game mode choice page. |
StatsAction |
A struts action class used to redirect the player to the "Stats" page. |
SubmitPlayerInfoAction |
A struts action class used to redirect the player to some secure content. |